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Friday, August 7, 2009

Exclusive interview with the SpreeCrunch Team!

We are very honoured to have been granted this opportunity from the SpreeCrunch team for an exclusive interview! We are now featured in their page under the "Recent Interviews" section. Click below to visit SpreeCrunch and to find out more about us! We would like to take this opportunity to thank Melinda and the SpreeCrunch team once again for selecting Oops Treat and for their time and effort in making this interview a success! Thanks SpreeCrunch! :D

click image to visit SpreeCrunch :)

The Interview.........

1. SpreeCrunch: Is this your first time starting this blog shop?

Oops Treat: Yeap, this is our first blog shop.

2. SpreeCrunch: How long have you been in this industry?

Oops Treat: 3 months from May. We’re quite new in that sense. But we’ve spent quite some time researching before we start off.

3. SpreeCrunch: What was the reason for you to start this blog shop?

Oops Treat: We are actually regular online shoppers ourselves and we came to realize that prices of clothing can be quite expensive. Thereafter, we decided to indulge in this interest of ours to share our choice of fashion with gals out there and also we also surveyed on the pricing and make sure our prices are affordable. Our current objective is to cater not only to young working adults, but also students.

4. SpreeCrunch: Where do you seek for customers?

Oops Treat: We normally send updates to blog shop reviewers, we also create a group in Facebook to gain access to our extended network, and we occasionally post our items in other forums to redirect them to our blog shop.

5. SpreeCrunch: What did you benefit from this blog shop besides money?

Oops Treat: Like we mentioned earlier, it is our interest to source for clothing at affordable prices. In doing this, we also strengtened the bond between the 3 of us. Also, we learn a great deal from running this blogshop, from enchancing our knowledge in fashion to managing our funds and accounts. Moreover, we learned to be business minded in pursuing our interest in this blog shop. Most importantly, we gained satisfaction from seeing the pieces that we personally hand-picked are selected as our customers’ choice of clothing.

6. SpreeCrunch: What makes your online business stands out from the rest?

Oops Treat: We would think that our pricing stands out from the rest of the blog shops. Also, most of the items that we hand-picked are versatile for both formal and casual occasions. We also strive to respond to customers within the shortest time possible and to mail out the items to customer immediately the day after payment is confirmed as we know customers are
always anticipating to receive their newly bought items. We are actually offering the Early Bird rewards whereby shopoholics are given 10% discount on the purchases they made within the first 3 days of our newly posted items!! So far, we have not seen any blog shops offering that now.

7. SpreeCrunch: Do you have any future plans for your business?

Oops Treat: We are looking to expand our clientele network in Malaysia and hopefully overseas. We foresee a long term commitment and we hope to build a strong base of network to pull us through.

8. SpreeCrunch: What do you have to sacrifice for this?

Oops Treat: We would need to put in more personal time in order to achieve this and we need to manage between our day job and online blog shop, but we do enjoy all the effort and time spent, especially when there is response from our customers!

9. SpreeCrunch: Did you experience any difficulties?

Oops Treat: It’s the time management bit and also to increase our online traffic.

10. SpreeCrunch: What do you need for your online business now?

Oops Treat: We need to expand our collection and to source for a wider range of clothes to cater to different shoppers.

11. SpreeCrunch: Are you satisfied with your current business situation?

Oops Treat: We are still in the initial stage and we aim to achieve better sales and a higher traffic to our blog shop. We are satisfied with how things are advancing at the moment. But nevertheless, we would take more initiative to increase sales and improve our collection.

SpreeCrunch’s Remark:

Oops Treat has joined SpreeCrunch since June 12th, 2009. After reviews by our team members, SpreeCrunch is pleased to invite Oops Treat for an exclusive interview as it has met our criteria. SpreeCrunch was delighted to receive an eager response from Oops Treat.

Oops Treat is based in Malaysia. Even though they are not primarily based in Singapore, they are improving and expanding overseas . SpreeCrunch works on a global scale and we welcome all online shops to join our network. We strive to help out as much as we can to promote online shopping. SpreeCrunch would like to express our thanks to Oops Treat for their support and we hope all online shoppers would support Oops Treat as well.

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